Q3 2024 Ops Budget Request

Following the Q2 2024 developments , we want to continue contributing to PrimeDAO at a comparable pace, but for a reduced budget.


  • Start the first program for the Superchain with Superchain eco..
  • If our grant is approved, lead the DAO 2 DAO research together with the Aribtrum Treasury & Sustainability team.
  • Launch the initial ETH → D2D Yield Strategy together with SupremeDAO.
  • Continue to manage the Prime Treasury and run the LP incentive campaign on Balancer on Mainnet and Aribtrum. Explore new pools and strategies that can increase the utility of D2D.
  • Provide communication support around the SupremeDAO Strategy launch.
  • Represent PrimeDAO’s stakes in SafeDAO, Gyroscope, and Balancer DAO governance.
  • Continue to host the Prime digital infrastructure (Domain, servers, IPFS, website, Discord, forum, nomination, emails, etc.).
  • Create the PrimeDAO Q3 2024 Update together with the Prime Development Foundation.
  • Continue to scout for and negotiate potential strategic programs.
  • Continue to explore how the Prime spin-outs, including SupremeDAO, Regenerative, and Inverter can return value to PrimeDAO.

Total budget requested for Q3 2024
D2D: 1,800,000