PDP16: Q4 Ops Budget

As indicated in the PrimeDAO Q3 Update thread, PrimeDAO has managed to not spend a single $ or D2D in Q3 due to significant pro-bono contributions of Kolektivo Labs.

In Q4, these contributions increased, making them unsustainable for Kolektivo Labs. In this Quarter, Kolektivo Labs aims to focus on designing veD2D in collaboration with Protofire as part of the ve8020 launchpad program, as we see this as critical infrastructure for PrimeDAO with the potential to build a product around. Next to this - we’ll support the developments of SupremeDAO and continue to manage the Prime infrastructure, treasury, and accounting.


  • Host two D2D stakeholder meetings to map and ideate potential product offerings.
  • Complete the scoping and design of veD2D in collaboration with Protofire.
  • Continue collaborating with SupremeDAO and PowerPools on a stETH → D2D Yield Strategy.
  • Continue to manage the Prime Treasury to run the liquidity campaigns on Balancer / AURA on ETH Mainnet and Aribtrum.
  • Manage the Prime Telegram and Discord.
  • Continue to host the Prime digital infrastructure (Domain, servers, IPFS, website, Discord, forum, nomination, emails, etc.).
  • Create the PrimeDAO Q4 Update together with the Prime Development Foundation.
  • Continue to scout for and negotiate potential strategic programs.

Total budget requested for Q4
USDC: 7.500
D2D: 2,400,000


this looks good, the only thing I would take out is managing the telegram and discord. I don’t see the value add, it’s proxy by multiple levels, whereas everything else on this list is 100% directly value-driving. I think it would suffice to say that if there is something to respond to from those channels, posting a pinned message to DM the person in charge of " Continue to scout for and negotiate potential strategic programs." to direct them is good enough. There’s no need for active management of those communities unless we thoroughly exit a bear and there is a sustainable token economy around D2D itself. I know a lot of these activities including managing the communities ladder up to building a sustainable token economy, but I don’t think that community is necessary to get there, whereas building the product out, new partnerships, etc are. I’d say managing the communities are a distraction

LGTM otherwise


The line item for managing Prime and Discord mainly deals with potential support tickets and other user-related questions. This is a minimum time to ensure Prime stakeholders and users aren’t left in the dark!

The proposal has been submitted to Snapshot and will be up for vote in the coming 5 days.


Lmk if you need any help with this. Discord def needs to be cleaned up and minimized.