Kolektivo Labs Builder Proposal: Jan 2023 ($6.5K USDC + 185K D2D)

As a result of the decline of treasury funds and the overall market downturn, we’ve tried to make our team as lean as possible. Putting the focus on the ReFi Launchpad, completing the development of Prime Launch on Celo, and establishing grant and partner relationships for 2023.

Total Rewards Requested per month
USDC: 6,500
D2D: 185,000 at 0.035 Cent using 30-day MA = $6,500 worth of D2D

Jan 2023 Objectives
There are 7 separate primary objectives that Kolektivo Labs aims to address for this cycle:

  • To manage the Prime service accounts, workspaces, emails
  • To build out and improve the Prime design system
  • To provide research, testing, and design support for Prime Launch and Prime Deals
  • To lead Prime Partnerships and support with grant applications
  • To carry the responsibilities of the DAOops squad in the transition of PrimeDAO
  • To support the ReFi Launch & Growth Program
  • To represent PrimeDAO in the Safe Guardians

Read the full proposal here.